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Dr. H. Pat Artis

Pat ArtisOne of the most important questions you have to ask when you are considering public or inhouse education is the level of knowledge and experience of the instructors. Our instructors are internationally recognized experts in their selected fields who have developed their own teaching materials -- not just read seminar materials that someone else has prepared. If you need real answers, insist on a real expert!

H. Pat Artis is a recognized authority in workload characterization, forecasting, simulation modeling, I/O subsystem design and capacity planning. He is the author of more than 100 papers and has lectured internationally on these subjects. His most recent investigations have concentrated on business reengineering, client/server solutions, cloud computing, management reporting, I/O configurations, graphic presentation techniques, storage management, SANs, and strategic planning issues for enterprise computing. Dr. Artis is president of Performance Associates, a private software and consulting firm that specializes in serving the performance evaluation and strategic planning needs of large corporations. He is the designer of the PAI/O Driver family of products. Dr. Artis holds degrees in Engineering Mechanics, Computer Science, and Information Sciences.

In addition to his other honors, Dr. Artis received the A.A. Michelson Award in 1984 for his fundamental contributions to computer performance evaluation. He is active in numerous performance-oriented organizations and is a Past President of the Computer Measurement Group. He is the co-author of the text MVS I/O Subsystems: Configuration Management and Performance Analysis. Dr. Artis was inducted into the Academy of Engineering Excellence in 2010.