To employ all of the facilities of the PAI/O Driver for z/OS, an installation must have the following software products:
z/OS Version 1 Release 13, or above,
RMF version corresponding to your z/OS level,
an authorized program library from which the PAI/O Driver for z/OS can be executed.
To employ the reporting software included with the PAI/O Driver for z/OS, an installation must have existing licenses (or license) for the following software products from other vendors:
SAS Base Product, Version 8.2 or above for z/OS or Version 8.e or above for Windows,
Merrill's Expanded Guide (MXG) Software at level 34.34 or above,
Microsoft Excel,
Windows XP (or above) workstation.
The PAI/O Driver for z/OS engineering test program may be executed as a standalone application in one of the two following processor environments. They are, in order of preference:
a standalone LPAR with a dedicated CP (some manufacturers call them IPs), or
a standalone LPAR with a high weight on a lightly loaded or idle processor.